
Mart, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Easy Steps To Keep Your Vagina Healthy And Young

As a woman, keeping your vagina healthy and sweet is important. Here are 7 simple tips to help you do that. Just as your face starts sagging, so your lady parts will inevitably age over time. One critical difference: There are a million products to help keep your face looking supple, but your vagina is kind of left to fend for itself. “Gynecologists don’t tell women these things are going to happen, and then women come in shocked that their vagina and vulva have completely changed over the course of a couple years,” says Karen Boyle, M.D., an expert in female sexual health and vaginal rejuvenation. A woman facing a vaginal problem is most likely to feel shy to share it with someone and even feels shy in consulting a doctor. Here are our top seven tips for preserving this important intimate ecosystem for a healthy vagina: Your sexual organs are very valuable and MUST be well cared for.

What Kind of Woman Are You According To the Month In Which You Are Born?

According to the month you are born you can find out what are your characteristics. JANUARY Ladies that are born in January are remarkably ambitious, but rather serious and conservative. Women born in this month are prone to be very critical, yet they don’t want to talk about their own feelings. They let to approach them only people that are on the same intellectual level with them and that share the same views on life.